How “feels good” Causes “mass bad”!

Two-bit “feels good to you” taunt tactics often injure your deep whole body connective tissue (fascial fibrous) mass. Brief relief tactics give you no lasting ease because they in no way at all provide deep mass release. And they often add to repetitive micro-tear trauma. Consider the following living mass physiology facts.

The worst injury-prone “feel good” tactics are: 1) stretching “knotted fibers” which tears, breaks, and cinches them 2) icing “knotted fibers” which hypothermia freeze-constricts all mass transport flow 3) hotbox sweating “knotted fibers” which hyperthermia cook-roasts the whole mass and 4) hanging “knotted fibers” upside-down inversion which pools blood into your brain and pressurize-expands your eye sockets and ears.

Moreover, all intense flexion-based fitness and bad habit fold-hold resting positions root-in mass deformity knots and chronic pain. The mere action of “flex-fold/grip-hold” simultaneously overstretch-strains all opposite-side fibers. All “sit, stand, and sleep positions” already oblige all of that in omnipresent perpetuity. Better is regular essential “open strive and stride whole body functional exercise” to trick and confuse all mass fibrous crimp.

Better exercise is what you did at ages 2-12. You leisurely jumped, skipped, cartwheeled, kicked, threw balls, skated, danced, dodged things, played field/water/court/winter/track team sports, colored on the floor, and more. True need is fun play. Rigid repetitive “flex-fold grip-hold” is mass dismay.

But alas, the good news! Your own whole body connective structure is indestructibly counter-resilient with the regular practice of Surripulation® massage MassfascialSM release Smash & Drag® self-care the Chelios MethodSM way on your own home floor for just a few minutes per day. This rivals Brush-Floss-Spit to all of your own gums and teeth every day of your life. Respect. 

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