symptoms We Free Naturally

Self-Stoppable "Blockage-Bulge-Burst" Buildup Alert

DISCLAIMER: Visit your PCP DOCTOR ASAP for ANY and ALL acute and/or life-threatening symptoms. MDs best treat: 1) morbid obesity  2) wheelchair/bed-bound disability 3) impact collision & critical injuries 4) palliative care 5) mental, congenital, or clinical diseased maladies, and 6) the “rare random” more.

IDEAL CHELIOS METHOD℠ CLIENTELE: Able, intact, ambulatory people who live with fed-up ongoing and/or recurring pain. Slow, safe, and natural effective massage is Best 1st Line of Defense ancient known.

Bonded bad buildup (“BBB”) warns Blockage-Bulge-Burst risk just like slow-growing plaque and tartar on all people teeth and gums. Constant deep interconnected whole body “mass” BBB (adhesification, calcification, ossification, scar tissue fascial strain) requires regular counter-control manual release.

All Symptoms are deep, smart-body, SOS reaction-response alarms. Few people ever learn that they themselves can lifelong at-will mass release many, easily in just minutes, by way of natural massage.

Chronic symptoms are tension (over-stretched tight bonded fibers) that resemble weed-twisting distress. Whole body constituents, systems, and functions get trapped in a mass mess. People ice, stim, stretch, roll, ball, roast, dry-needle, thump, upside-down hang,, etc. their whole mass into more fed up oppress.

Chronic conditions are angry-beggar whole body mass SIREN BFFs. People medicate, cut, inject, PT, MD, blame, condemn, over-hydrate, etc. these increasing symptoms into further object.

BBB accumulation aggravates-localizes-spreads-manifests-diversifies into ancient known 6 Stages of DISease to Disease. This symptom sequence is how all human life form exists and persists. Regular natural fascial mass root-rescue release works to limit and prevent the deep mass permeable growth. Consider the following accurate progressional perspective below:

BLOCKAGE SYMPTOMS moderate festering accumulation

  • Stiffness, Tightness, Soreness, Aches, Pains, & Strain in Shoulders/Neck/Back/Hips/Knees, etc.

  • Inflammation, Compensation, Trigger Points, Numbness, Tingling, Weakness, Twisted Knots Stuck

  • Anxiousness, Depression, Poor Circulation, Fatigue, Headaches, Vertigo, Sinus issues & more

BULGE SYMPTOMSextreme deforming accumulation

  • Bone Spurs, Structural Scoliosis, Ganglion/Baker’s Cysts, Cellulite, Varicose/Spider Veins

  • Bursitis, Tendonitis, Tenosynovitis, Constipation, Psoriasis, Dry Scaly Purplish-Black Skin

  • Hemorrhoids, Hernias, Herniations, Impingements, Aneurysm, Space-Occupying Lesions (SOLs)

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Plantar Fasciitis, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, Pudendeal Nerve Entrapment

  • Fibromyalgia, Leg/Back/Hand Cramps, Frozen Shoulder, Rotator Cuff Pain, Restless Leg Syndrome

  • Neuropathy, Paresthesia Meralgia (lateral thigh ache), Shin Splints, Sleep Deprivation issues, etc.

  • Sciatica/Piriformis/IT Band Syndrome, Facet Joint Issues, Low Back Pain (whole mass interrelated)

BURST SYMPTOMS over-extreme crippling accumulation

  • Gingivitis, Diabetes, Gout, Pseudo-Gout, Lupus, Hashimoto’s, Multiple Sclerosis, ALS, MSA, & more

  • Cardiovascular Disease, A-Fib, Dementia, Heart Attack, Blood Clot, Embolism, Cancer, & Stroke

ACUTE SYMPTOMS high-risk critical E.R. / MD ASAP accumulation

  • Bleeding, Fractures, Breakages, Ruptures, Dislocations, & Sprains from “Direct Body Impact Injury”

  • Labored Difficult Breathing, Disorientation, Seizures, Upright Equilibrium Imbalance Issues, & more

LONG LIFE DEGENERATIVE BLESSINGS “not pain symptoms or cause at all”

  • Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Stenosis, Degenerative Disc Disease, Scoliosis, Bone-On-Bone, & more

Fascial elasticity is your body’s innate self-health system. We revive and nurture it with our Massfascial® release.