Frequently Asked Questions

  • MassfascialSM release roots-out mass bonded bad buildup (BBB) to reverse and transform deep structural deformity by way of adding sustainable space, lubrication, and elasticity gains. This is also daily effectively replicable at home by way of easy leisure self-care on your floor.

    Other massage styles aim stimulation, energetic soothe, and spot-treatments that require an appointment, a licensed clinician, a costly fee, etc. and are mostly not adequately replicable at home.

  • Bonded Bad Buildup (BBB) is the proven molecular and damage-associated pathogenic festering accumulation of “trapped” fibers, fluids, toxins, acids, bacteria, calcification crust, oxidized rust, etc. “body gunk” that nobody can avoid; but that everyone can reduce and limit by applying regular and direct qualified manual release.

    Even good essential water, nutrient/oxygen-rich blood, vitamins, etc. get trapped in the deep whole body fascial fabric to become toxic influence if it remains bonded dormant longterm.

    No system, function, or constituent in the living deep body mass can evade the constant circumstance of despicable life-threatening BBB. And nothing can be optimal without regular deep mass root-rescue release.

  • No. If any popular regime that people are currently applying could release a fascial mass, they would know it by now. And you would rarely-to-never encounter chronic achy pain dis-ease.

    Ongoing stiffness, tightness, soreness, restriction, fatigue, inflammation, etc. are the 100% reliable evidence that we all need to mass release evolve.

  • Surripulation® massage (Së rip’ ū lā shën) refers to the surrender and manipulation of the living deep whole body fascial mass to disengage and purge trapped biofilm byproduct (body gunk) that accumulates slowly over time in the deep living body mass.

    Your whole body is an interconnected mass. It is comprised of 100% elastic connective tissue fascial “netting” fibers that dry-out, bind, and bond to themselves and to everything else deep.

    Just like a fibroblastic spreading spider’s web, your fascia ensnares metabolic toxins, fluids, gasses, air, nutrients, stem cells, collagen, calcification crust, oxygenation rust, etc. and more that needs to efficiently and resiliently “flow” and/or “exit” your body every second of life.

  • Your 1st-time 60-minute experience is $20 off at the rate of $105. Regular cost is $125.

    Your 1st-time 90-minute experience is $20 off at the rate of $145. Regular cost is $165.

    These rates are very fair and competitive considering the premium results that your fascial mass will obtain to upgrade your daily comfortable body ease.

    Each session aims to remove 6-8 years of deeply bonded bad buildup (BBB) body gunk.

  • 2-3 separate sessions typically vast transform and improve a whole body deep mass. Rarer bodies need 5 separate sessions to get breakthrough results if deeper over-extreme BBB gunk exists. Post-breakthrough, we recommend 6-12 visits per year. More if needed or desired.

    4- 6 sessions per year may be sufficient for those who practice regular fascial mass release at home the way we accurately instruct. Everyone aims whole mouth teeth and gums expert deep root-rescue professional dental cleanings at least 2 -4 times per year. Your whole body mass deserves and needs a little more due to its mobility nature. Teeth/gums are immobile joints.

    To deny or deprive your deep body mass of expert mass release for more consistent reliable flow, lubrication, and elasticity is self-sabotage choice that ensures subpar well-being.

  • Every day of life, the human whole body is under the omnipresent influence of deep body gunk that bonds to the deepest structural fibers that weave through all tissue and bones. Bonded bad buildup (BBB) accumulation over time leads to chronic pain and disease.

    Just like daily dental Brush-Floss-Spit, the deep whole body mass needs ongoing direct manual hygienic release to defend and advance its optimal well-being potentials. A filthy bonded (constantly active on the go habitat) can never be free of achy inflamed disease.

  • Natural slow deep fascial mass release should not hurt. But it will initially if a body’s deep BBB is over-extreme.

    Over-extreme is “collective individual influencers” BBB related. A 14-yr-old body mass can feel and react worst during an initial session than a 65-yr-old mass.

    The worst drying-out BBB influencers include elite fitness regimes, excess sugar/liquor/drug consumption, tighter-born fascia, subconscious tensing, humidity, smoking, inactivity, excessive forced sweating habits in a hotbox sauna, past injuries, and more.

  • We are an out of pocket pay massage service. We provide an invoice that you can submit to your insurance company for potential reimbursement on your own. Our success rate of full or partial reimbursement is over 90%.

  • You can NOT prevent bonded bad buildup (BBB) in your own deep mass or mouth. But you CAN effectively mass limit it on your own regularly at home. We’ll teach you how.

    A little daily dose release of something, something beats a whole lot of nothing, nothing. And your deep whole body structural fascial fibers know it. Your soft tissues, joints, bones, vessels, organs, etc. 100% feel their own permanent bondage-blockage distress long before you ever feel a chronic symptom. They control all daily lifelong well-being. You and your other great lifestyle habits don’t.

  • Surrender – whole body fascial mass, mind, and breath

    Manipulations – tandem expansive “skin-to-skin” Smash & Drag™

    Bonded Accumulation – molecular bad buildup whole mass and mouth link

    Hygienic Inside-Out Release – focus on mass release from the deep bones outward

    Main Focus – what leaves the mass (not what enters it)

    Porous Excretion – at will anytime because your mass pores design and demand it

    Suction-Friction Stabilized Traction – natural elongation decompression

    Tissue Memory Training – for tissues to “let go”

    Disassociation – dangle-suspended “free-floating bones” surrendering away from each other

    Deflate-Plunge-Tenderize – to create space, surge fluids, and “vacuum” remove waste

    Interoception – mindful awareness of blockage compromise in your deep habitat mass

    Education – to live the comprehensive well-being power of mass fascial elasticity regarding space and lubrication that must be regularly self-revived

  • CMM is specialized Surripulation® clinical deep Fascia Rescue® release that treats a long surrendered body on a massage table and also on a floor.

  • Adhesification is the adhered bonded bad buildup measurement level that a body is omnipresent enduring. The 4 levels are: moderate, extreme, over-extreme, & high-risk.

    Deprivation-distress is the non-release mass circumstance of BLOCKAGE and LOW SLOW FLOW wherein healthy daily surplus replenishments of use, rest, fluid, fuel, or rescue are NOT sufficiently reaching or feeding one’s deep mass constituents, functions, and systems.

  • If active intact but feeling chronic (constant/recurring) longterm pain, get MASS-age which cannot harm anything and might mend everything in 1-3 sessions. If impact acute injured and feeling urgent imminent life threat or deep doubt, visit your local E.R. or your Primary Care Physician (PCP) straight away.

  • NO. Exercise is contraction, pulsation, balance, strength & ambulatory movement. CMM & CFM is surrender, manipulations, traction-elongations, confusion/trickery tactics, etc. hands-on manual movement. Mechanical manual massage and exercise procedures are often labeled the same thing. But they are in truth “opposing bad buildup equalizers”.

  • The average healthy-to-fit active-ambulatory individual whom desires a pain and restriction-FREE life. Also, people seeking to improve fitness goals and exceed personal best records. Bad bonded buildup is an “omnipresent cause” no matter how well you eat, sleep, hydrate, exercise, stand, sit, sleep, breathe, etc.

  • Straight up mass-applied dry-direct skin-to-skin (fascia-to-fascia) manual manipulations that create deep structural change. Blended clinical massage technique examples are MyoFascial Release, Cross-Fiber Frictions, Tractions, Compressions, Pincer Grasping, Rolfing, Skin Rolling, Joint Mobilizations, Tapotement Tapping, and Lymphatic Drainage.

  • Soft Tissues (STs) are elastin fibers in the whole body structural mass, including bone. Structural Deformity (SD) is existence, use, and time-related fibrous adhesion deviation. All human life form increasingly becomes “crooked” due to unavoidable omnipresent daily use-abuse imbalances. Crooked is NEVER the problem. Bonded is.

    Beyond age 15-20, almost no-one can remain perfectly structurally aligned. Expending the lifetime energy to be even or straight is a true waste of time. Equal distribution of body weight, long limp joint positioning, and ongoing mass fascia release give you much greater well-being resilience returns.

  • People whom have never lived with excruciating unrelenting chronic pain often live in a standard dogma popular practice brain. Very few people have had any education on mass fascial elasticity at all. And then there are the high pain tolerance enthusiasts and the naysaying apprehensive

  • CFM is a leisure activity that provides body-wide Soft-Tissues with clinical massage techniques for deep Fascial rescue on a daily basis. Yoga and Pilates® are superior workout regimes that satiate a body’s optimal fitness rewards.

  • Surripulation® Massage achieves the rewards of a cutting-edge deep fascial massage for the whole body. The only benefit a stretch can achieve is the benefit of re-activation and re-stimulation. But, this is redundant as RDAs, NCs and common exercise regimes already provide this gain. The majority of us are too ignorant or busy to recognize this blatant fact.

  • Light, easy stretches are very beneficial for elongating arms and legs of an infant’s body and facilitating stimulation to the bedridden and wheelchair-bound individual. But, make no mistake. Stretching is NOT a deep fascial rescue massage while a body is laying long in complete surrender. And, during the act of a stretch, vulnerable body-wide Soft-Tissues are never protected.

    Stretching requires contraction which by definition itself requires a muscle or muscle group to get short and tight while it reaches. Thus, it makes perfect sense to declare that body-wide Soft-Tissues CAN contract to elongate and reach, i.e. Yoga, Pilates®. But, they CAN NOT contract to get long and let go. In stretching we are deceived into feeling we have received a little betterment. But, the body-wide Soft-Tissues know better. This betterment is merely a feeling that is NOT authentic rescue at all, no matter how much the marketplace tells us it is.

    Stretching oftentimes hurts. And, NOT in a good way. It actually inspires tension and resistance. The chunks of muscle(s) are NOT able to let go if they are being seized by the fascial layers and tendinous attachments amongst a whole lot of adhesion and are also in contraction pursuits. Only in TRUE surrender can body-wide Soft-Tissues even begin to consider the challenging task of letting go. Otherwise, we are simply incurring more compromise.

    In summary, even if using correct form, stretching is a dynamic but forceful exercise regime, oftentimes injurious and mostly ineffective in releasing the body. This is because it addresses the muscle chunks, not the fascial layers. While it may inspire small sensations of relief, it will never provide authentic rescue or lasting comfort and resilience for the body’s facial network. Surripulation® Massage is a deep fascia rescue massage that produces actual lasting betterment and that has NO negative end-result potentials.

  • Absolutely! Do your teeth and gums need rescue even though they do not hurt?

  • NO, it will not. The beauty of performing Surripulation® Massage maneuvers is that they free your body-wide S-T compromise so supremely that you will have NO NEED for the minimalistic and potentially harmful act of stretching ever again. BSTs will cease to exist in your body. And, you will successfully diminish the likelihood of chronic APRs, OUIs and CCCs, altogether. The goal of rescue is to manage a compromise-FREE body, NOT a compromise-FILLED one.

  • YES! Surripulation® Massage methods are totally safe. Your S-Ts are perpetually compromised. And, they possess an insatiable need for TRUE reprieve whenever they can get it! They will eagerly invite you to indulge in a session, at your leisure, every waking moment you can afford the time.

  • Yes! Clinical, therapeutic deep-tissue massage techniques are proven to be safe and enjoyable. They may be slightly tough to tolerate if an individual’s body-wide Soft-Tissues are in extreme compromise. Of course, one should always respect the S-T’s insatiable NEED for gradual reprieve. Being conscious to listen to the body at all times, one should always adhere to the guidelines of the instructor.

  • Every day or at the very least 3-4 days a week for at least 2-5 leisure mass minutes. Your whole body and mouth mass “accumulate bad buildup, dry out, calcify bond, and deform“. It is simply a smart hygienic prevention practice to keep all of these root offender cause assailants at bay.

  • At least 4-6 times a year or 2-3 times a month if you can afford it.

  • As little clothing as possible. Clothing disallows the engagement factor that is necessary to procure successful results. When it comes to Surripulation® Massage methods the rule of thumb recommendation is that the more accessible your Soft-Tissues are the more likely you will be able to engage and confuse them simultaneously to fulfill their NEED for WHOLE body authentic rescue.

  • For the same reason that you sleep, eat, exercise, hydrate and brush your teeth on a daily basis. It is simply necessary if you want to be able to obtain and sustain superior wellness rewards in living/aging.

  • There are many differences. Most notably, popular methods use lotions, oils and even treat through clothing, or sheet utilizing a lot of Swedish gliding strokes. But, if we do not engage S-Ts, we are essentially giving the skin and the chunks of muscles a little relief. Nobody is devaluing this approach. But, body-wide Soft-Tissues yearn for and NEED more sophisticated procedures to authentically liberate them. They also prefer slow, more purposeful controlled manipulations. CMM targets and treats the LAYERS and ATTACHMENTS. There is NO lubrication or hindrance of sheets to inhibit authentic rescue rewards. CMM predominantly utilizes expansive clinical massage techniques with sophisticated trickery/confusion/distraction tactics. And, CMM comes with a comprehensive floor method that allows a client to obtain daily allotments of authentic rescue all year long for amazing maintenance and prevention gains and more. Other modalities simply offer stretches, rest and water.

  • A resounding YES. The uneducated brain may deny, or doubt this claim. But, the body-wide Soft-Tissues can not! They, in fact, ALWAYS KNOW when they have received even a moment of authentic rescue upon being Surripulated®. And, they let their satisfaction be known while they provide the body and mind with comfort, contour and dynamic resilience.

  • Surripulation® Massage can be administered by a Licensed Clinical Massage Therapist in a Spa session setting on a treatment table. Or, an individual may lie on a floor and execute leisure rescue maneuvers that simulate the receiving of a deep dry clinical fascial massage. One’s own body weight, bones and the floor act as the expert designated therapists.

  • We can all agree that extra weight surpluses bear some extra negative influence on the body/mind. But, in the case of Surripulation® Massage, extra weight has no bearing on a successful outcome.

  • When you liberate your body-wide S-Ts on a regular basis, they regain memory of the act of letting go of your Structure (bones). Hence, your typically squat, stunted Structure gets to be the height it is meant to be. NOT the height it is forced to be when it is left in a dire state of hyper-compression. Additionally, gravity and Degenerative Disc Disease easily give rise to spurs, herniated/bulging discs and other unfortunate Structural issues. With Surripulation® the spine gets frictioned, decompressed, plunged and deflated simultaneously. This elongates the entire Skeletal Structure and enhances Soft-Tissue fiber and whole body contour.

  • Any age at all. You must be able to safely get down on a floor and be able to safely get back up again. But, CFM is slow, deliberate and comfortable if you are adhering to the recommended guidelines. It is beneficial and remarkable for all. In nature, children and animals Surripulate® all the time. We are simply not informed enough to notice.

  • The body can still get benefit if treated through clothing. But, not nearly as much benefit as it would get without clothing. If you do not engage the Soft-Tissues you are treating, you simply cannot plunge and deflate the body for MAXIMUM outcomes.

  • No. Not unless you place them in protected surrender directly against a wall as with the execution of CWM (Chelios Wall Maneuvers) maneuvers. You cannot successfully Surripulate® contracted S-Ts. Not EVER! This is a complete impossibility and a contradiction of terms.

  • CMM massages on a table are very intense. Body-wide Soft-Tissues become fatigued and dehydrated. It is recommended you wait up to at least 5-6 hours after your CMM massage has been completed before you attempt to participate in any strenuous activity. Soft-Tissues need this recovery time to sufficiently retain their strength integrity and also to replenish their fluids. A day of leisure is most ideal post-CMM, especially if it is a very first-time experience.

  • YES. There is no danger in exercising on the same day that you Surripulate®, before or after, no matter the duration of your session. This is because Soft-Tissues are supported, stabilized and protected during Surripulation® Massage maneuvers at all times. Also, a CFM session on the floor can never be as intense as a CMM session on a table due to the fact that contraction of some inner muscles is required in order to transition from one maneuver to the other. Therefore, they maintain their integrity and their strength to perform for you without threat.

    Popular stretching regimes endanger S-Ts as they leave them susceptible to becoming weak, strained and micro-torn due to the simple fact that in stretching S-Ts are NOT supported, stabilized, or protected.

  • This is safe, but not recommended for a couple of reasons. After performing a workout regime, you stop contracting. But, your body-wide Soft-Tissues don’t. They need up to 1-2 hours to process their newly rested statuses. They listen to and receive clinical techniques more efficiently if they have been in rested statuses before the session begins. This component ensures more expansive successful results. If you’ve just worked out your S-Ts will fight the wonderful clinical techniques with extra verve and you will not receive the best bang for your buck. Additionally, the therapist tools can endure damage in trying to wrestle with recently hyper-active Soft-Tissues.

  • Morning is the best time to Surripulate® Soft-Tissues because they are very rested during sleep. In their more relaxed state, they are better equipped to accept and achieve more expedient surrender and reprieve commissions. However, any time of the day is acceptable and beneficial. With the exception of directly following a fitness regime session, if it can be helped. Soft-Tissues remain under the impression that they are still working out for up to at least 1-2 hours following a workout session.

  • Mostly, no. Particularly if you receive authentic rescue on a regular basis. However, if the body is in extreme states of compromise, Soft-Tissues will retaliate and fight upon initial attempts to free them. Soft-Tissues do not surrender easily and quickly just because we decide that we want them to. They have very little memory of letting go. It takes years of living to accumulate over-surpluses of compromise. It takes mere minutes/hours to unravel, unbind and unleash it, body-wide. It is important to keep in mind that if its been chronic, tolerating a few brief moments of discomfort is entirely worth the rewards your body will reap for many days post-session. Deep abdominal breathing helps the body/mind tolerate comfortably.

  • The body can never get enough fascia rescue via Surripulation® Massage procedures. However, if you are feeling any discomfort that is intolerable or NOT indicative of standard massage sensations, you should ease up or cease to continue your Surripulation® Massage session and consult your doctor. If you Surripulate® slowly and really listen to your body, you will recognize the moment you are taking your manipulations too far.

  • Similar to CFM, CWM uses a wall (not a floor or table) to obtain Surripulation® Massage benefits. CWM maneuvers can help in times of need when you cannot find time (or don’t have access to) laying long on a flat, hard floor. However, the wall maneuvers are fewer and they require a little more contraction as you must perform them standing up. This also poses an element of danger in slipping or falling if you do not have good balance, don’t use correct form or don’t have good engagement with your feet on the floor when you perform them. With good form, CWM maneuvers are safe, come in handy, and they can be every bit as effective as CFM maneuvers.