How Is Chelios Method Truly Unique? Whole Mass Aim. Ongoing Gains.

Chelios MethodSM embodies new mass perspective and applications to end chronic pain.

Surripulation® massage is our “mass aim” to reduce physical root cause (not symptoms).

MassfascialSM release is our “mass task” to end and prevent (not relieve) root cause regret.

Fascia Rescue® gains are our “mass rapid results” inner space and elasticity to move pain-free.

Smash & Drag® self-care is your “mass self-access” to sustain your Fascia Rescue® gains.

Unfamiliar lingo is our “mass urging” to disrupt the lame epidemic self chronic pain game.

Nothing and nobody else in the whole wide world prioritizes “deep mass release to be free“.

All world people will daily achy hurt if they lifestyle habit only bandaid brief relief regimes.

Debate and offense kill vital lifesaving time. Your deep mass knows its own chronic root vine.

Virtual Visionaries

Website design agency focusing on small businesses.

How Brief Relief Encourages Disease


Fascial Elasticity: Inner “mass” qí!