Incurable MD/PhD problem? Or, the easy-to-resolve natural-unavoidable mass Bonded Bad Buildup (“BBB“) compromise accumulation impingement that regular MassfascialSM release Smash & Drag® self-care can appease on your home floor? No body receptor symptom ever “feels great” underneath mass-trapped BBB, i.e. trapped fascial fibers, toxins, fluids, etc. and more.

Neuropathy is disease or dysfunction of one or more peripheral nerves that often inspires symptom-like reaction sensations of pain, tingling and weakness. Neuropathy symptoms can be sharp, dull, intermittent, or constant while at rest or in motion. But isn’t that the very same issue of all chronic pain symptoms, conditions, and disease?

Neuropathy parallels back pain, pinched nerves, Sciatica, Restless Leg Syndrome, Thoracic Outlet & Carpal Tunnel Syndromes, Plantar Fasciitis, Fibromyalgia, and more. But all symptoms are the consequence of a bigger root offender cause like mass trapped BBB.  Could people and their nerves feel nothing chronic ever again if mass BBB were kept “at bay”? How will you ever know if we never put it to the test? If nothing else is working, try something new.

Surripulation® massage methods directly target and root-out mass BBB. Give your mass nerves their potential to savor ease. Maybe all they regularly need is a self-duty dose of deep mass release.


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What is Dynamic Whole Body Resilience?


RESCUE methods primarily AIM to abolish Chronic Pain