Body-wide Soft-Tissues live at the Mercy of our Ignorance

Body-wide Soft-Tissues struggle with an inordinate amount of compromise elements that accumulate, fester and torture our bodies and minds on a relentless daily basis.  This predicament exists as an absolute result of ignorance.  We are simply not educated as to some of the most rudimentary and relative facts regarding the issues of compromise buildup that stifles/confines the entire body/mind.

Chronic compromise does not refer to a singular causative variable.  It is a collective term that refers to the mass array of unavoidable factors that multiply perpetually to cause chronic aches, pains and restrictions (APRs), over-usage injuries (OUIs), bouts of stiffness/tightness (BSTs) and chronic compromise conditions (CCCs).

Chronic APRs, OUIs, BSTs and CCCs are inspired by the result of the neglected daily management of Trigger Points, adhesion, scar tissue, Fascial restrictions, tight-gripping tendons, tension, hyper-compression, inflammation, etc.  Individually, these elements might not offend us so much.  But, together, they have the power to cripple us exponentially.

We must begin to treat these elements as a collective whole body entity, as opposed to the singular approach that treats chief complaint areas that is often procured in today’s wellness marketplace.  Get educated now on the subject matter of chronic compromise so that you may rid yourself of the hideous affairs of chronic APRs, OUIs, BSTs and CCCs forever.  Surripulation® Massage will illuminate and emancipate your body/mind beyond your wildest dreams.   Learn about it and get it asap.  Contact Penny Chelios at 312/ 330-0708, to begin to indulge in a more pain-free lifestyle every day of the year!

Virtual Visionaries

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Soft-Tissue Compromise ROOT Offenders are very Deceiving


Chronic Pain should NEVER lead to Surgery!