Soft-Tissue Compromise ROOT Offenders are very Deceiving

Very rarely are a client’s chief complaint areas of aches, pains and restrictions the ROOT offenders of their plight.  ROOT offenders are typically elusively lingering in the deeper depths of the body above, below, next to and sometimes even across from the chief complaint area of symptoms.  And, they often dwell at the very base or surface of the bones of the skeletal structure.

When seeking Soft-Tissue RESCUE efforts, a client and therapist should work together with verbal communication to find and release the deeper instigators.  There is very little chance of completely resolving a client’s daily compromise distress if the ROOT offenders are left to dwell and accumulate on their very own.  When they linger, they create unhappy Soft-Tissues, Joints and Bones and they will make certain we remain unhappy as a consequence.

ROOT offenders include, but are not limited to, adhesion, Trigger Points, excess tension and inflammation, uric and lactic acids, crystalline calcifications, scar-tissue and so on.

We must become more pro-active and treat the ROOT offenders of body-wide Soft-Tissue compromise if we ever hope to live with daily physical comfort and resilience in regards to perform-ability and quality of life ease-ability.   If we continue to treat the symptoms, we you can expect to endure aches, pains and restrictions with crescendoing decline.  But, if we emancipate and RESCUE our body’s ROOT offenders we will indulge in youthful capacities and dynamic whole body resilience.

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Chronic Back Pain explained in a Nutshell


Body-wide Soft-Tissues live at the Mercy of our Ignorance