Chronic Pain is a Pandemic Predicament

No adult human being is immune to it.  If you are living, breathing, standing, sitting, exercising, eating, stressing, sleeping, walking, running, etc. you are in chronic compromise distress.  Or, that is, your body-wide Soft-Tissues are.  These are just some of the many ways your body can acquire compromise elements that accumulate on a gradual pace at an alarming rate.  And, most likely, this is the ROOT offender that is causing your chronic pain and restriction if you are not sufficiently treating it.

You may not be aware of this veritable fact due to a vast lack of information about your very own body-wide Soft-Tissues.  And, at present, you may not be feeling any physical discomfort involving aches, pains or restrictions.  But, compromise elements consisting of:  hyper-compression, hyper-congestion, toxins, acids (metabolic waste particles), Fascial binding (adhesion), tight-gripping tendons, tension, over-usage, repetition and poor movement habits are all perpetual and unavoidable repercussions of the living and aging process.  And, be informed.  Your body-wide Soft-Tissues KNOW when compromise build-up is festering, accumulating and taunting their ability to enjoy comfort and ease.  Even if and when your uneducated, aloof  brain does not!

Western medicine doctors and clinicians specialize in treating actual disease and acute injury.  They are not even remotely qualified to treat chronic compromise afflictions, at least NOT with sensible, homeopathic offerings.  Being cut into, injected, prescribed pills and sent for a battery of tests that often show nothing is a great waste of time and money.  Basic compromise buildup in the body requires expert manipulations from a licensed clinical massage therapist.  Surripulation® Massage is a highly sophisticated and advanced clinical massage approach that RESCUES body-wide Fascia with comprehensive and integrative strategies.  Contact Penny Chelios at (312) 330-0708 now to begin living in more desirable pain-FREE statuses!

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Neglected Chronic Compromise Buildup CAUSES Over-Usage Injury!


Chronic Pain is Manageable and Preventable!