Neglected Chronic Compromise Buildup CAUSES Over-Usage Injury!

Does it ever occur to you that you often get injured, re-injured, or acquire chronic pain and you have no idea what you may have done to deserve or precipitate it?   It is one thing when you are suffering aches and pains because you’ve fallen, or you’ve endured a recent trauma or accident.  But, it is an entirely different thing altogether when you are suffering for the sake of some unknown reason from no obvious impetus whatsoever.

When whole body compromise assailants such as tight-gripping tendons, scar tissue, adhesion, fascial binding, Trigger Points, hyper-compression, tension, excess inflammation, etc. are left to fester and accumulate in body-wide Soft-Tissues, they inspire chronic aches, pains, restrictions and compromise conditions that have earned fancy non-medical titles, i.e. Plantar Fascitis, Low Back Pain, Shoulder/Neck Pain, Tendonitis, Sciatica, Herniated Discs, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Shin Splints, Frozen Shoulder and so on.

When compromise becomes extreme due to deprived Authentic RESCUE rewards, it incites weakness, instability and vulnerability in Soft-Tissues, Joints and Bones.  When these same Soft-Tissues continue to be over-tasked (as is the usual par for the course of living), they begin to feel they are being pushed over the edge to limits they cannot ascertain easily, or comfortably.  Thus, they instigate symptoms like inflammation, edema, bursa, Ganglion/Baker’s Cysts, restriction, numbness/tingling, muscle cramps, elusive micro-tears, Trigger Points, Hypertonicity (tightness), poor circulation/flow and so much more.  Or, if pushed entirely beyond their means they simply propel strained high-risk symptoms, i.e. bulging discs, pinched nerves, ruptured tendons, Compartment Syndrome, Lymphedema, etc.  These conditions are NOT typically CAUSED by injury or disease.  They are the body’s way of SCREAMING that they are in stations of deprivation-distress due to their clogged and imprisoned statuses.

All of this leads to tedious over-usage injury.  The sophisticated strategies of   Surripulation® Massage methods RESCUE the entire musculoskeletal structure to help it remain in pain-free and injury-free statuses!

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Chronic Pain is a Pandemic Predicament