Herniated discs and Pinched nerves are perpetuated by mere tension buildup and hyper-compression assaults of the structural spine, joints and vessels in your body.  They are not injury or disease.  They are issues that arise over time because we rarely remove the endless, unavoidable excessive buildup of adhesion in our musculoskeletal structure.  Every adult human being suffers from these issues.  And, many young children experience them, as well.  Especially if they are participating in extreme physical activities and/or training hard to obtain an athletic scholarship, or professional athletic career.

Tension and hyper-compression buildup is very deceiving as it accumulates at a deceivingly slow and gradual pace, barely even noticeable to the recipient of it, until sadly, extreme levels of it begin to negatively influence everything in our poor little bodies.  Thus, chronic aggravating pain ensues.  As well as the propensity to endure tedious injury because imprisoned, hence weakened, Soft-Tissues, Joints and Bones eventually lose their ability to avoid misalignments and other undesirable consequences brought on by perpetual strangulation.   Yes.  It is true.  We also have the unceasing, unavoidable offenders of gravity and the continual slow progression of degenerative disc disease (DDD) to contend with, commencing at the tender young age of 21.  But, the real ROOT offenders of the common unfortunate happenstance of aches, pains and restrictions are the inflamed, hyper-tonic (tight) Soft-Tissues.  We over-exert them every single day that we live and breathe.  And, in a lifetime, we almost never authentically release, or RESCUE them.

The truth of the matter is, that if we actually address and treat these aggravated Soft-Tissues more effectively, with more consistent, expansive and sophisticated methods, we would absolutely be able to live pain-, restriction- and injury-FREE altogether.  And, we could prevent a great deal of unnecessary surgeries.

The only justified reason for chronic pain and restriction is if:   we actually fall victim to an acute trauma;  we are born with structural malformations;   we are in our very senior years of living;  or, if we actually have a clinically-diagnosed pathological condition of our body, or mind.   We must begin to acknowledge that if we simply deflate, decompress, friction and plunge our entire musculoskeletal structure we will successfully obliterate our chronic repulsive consequences.  Sophisticated RESCUE methodologies like Surripulation® Massage will repel, thwart and prevent common occurrences of strain and compromise in the entire body.

Virtual Visionaries

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WE are the Perpetrators of our very own Chronic Pain


Neglected Chronic Compromise Buildup CAUSES Over-Usage Injury!