Chronic Pain is the Result of CHOICE, not Consequence

People have become so accustomed to living with their chronic pain issues that they accept and embrace them as if they never want them to wear out their welcome.  While many of us still do not have any idea this is an active choice, (and trust me, it is) we are absolutely remiss, and wholly to blame for most of the ceaseless suffering we endure.  You see, we task our body-wide Soft-Tissues endlessly.  But, we full-out fail to release them.  We tell them to contract (work) for us all day long.  But, we rarely, if ever, tell them to let go.

It is common knowledge that whole body tension, hyper-congestion, adhesion, scar-tissue, Trigger Points, Fascial restrictions, tight-gripping tendons, inflammation, etc. exist and that they dwell, fester, accumulate and torment the body/mind on a ceaseless basis.  Common sense should notify us that years of build-up will encourage chronic aches, pains, restrictions, bouts of stiffness/tightness, over-usage injury and a whole lot of common conditions that bear fancy names, i.e. Plantar Fascitis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Sciatica, Herniated Discs, Tendonitis, Low Back Pain, Frozen Shoulder, etc.

The misconception that aging, injuries, surgery and more disallows potentials for well-being betterment is more foolish than we know.  The current wellness marketplace is void of any real effective rescue remedy that would free a whole body all at once.  There is also a very alarming lack of knowledge/information that actually addresses the ROOT CAUSE of our chronic pain.  Consequentially, we live in unawares to understand we NEED new advanced procedures or regimes.

The common belief that we must learn to expectadapt to and then accept living with chronic pain as our standard way of living by certain ages is preposterous.   Learn more about Surripulation® Massage and discover how easy it is to procure the authentic RESCUE rewards your body-wide Soft-Tissues crave and NEED on a mostly daily basis.  It is time to make the better CHOICE that will obliterate your chronic pain forever!  You will never regret it.  And, neither will your body-wide Soft-Tissues!


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MANAGE your BODY in Chronic Pain-FREE!


FREE your Bones, Joints and Soft-Tissues right NOW!