MANAGE your BODY in Chronic Pain-FREE!

Many people today are suffering from physical compromise associated with chronic aches, pains, restrictions, stiffness/tightness, etc.   Seems we are managing these frustrating issues very well so that they may gradually worsen with time.  But, wouldn’t the better option be to manage our body-wide Soft-Tissues in freer statuses and so that compromise affairs would not erupt in the first place?

We brush and floss our teeth every day to achieve this very task.  If we choose not to brush, we choose not to have maintenance and prevention gains in which case our teeth and gums would endure early-onset and chronic rot, decay and disease just like in the cavemen days.  Imagine for a moment how many years your body-wide Soft-Tissues have been denied authentic RESCUE.   Then ask yourself “How can we blame them for endlessly torturing us when we leave them in distress for years on end?”

The natural unavoidable default of daily living places our body-wide Soft-Tissues in chronic compromise.  But, we can learn how to manage these perpetual compromise elements very effectively, with consistency, so as to keep all those indiscriminate offenders at bay just like we do with daily dental hygiene practices.  Surripulation® Massage on a mostly DAILY basis is the most sensible, most affordable, most time-efficient therapy one can indulge in to obtain this superior wellness advantage.

Soft-Tissue compromise has an insatiable NEED for authentic RESCUE.  Oblige your body-wide Soft-Tissues with the simple reward in a brief DAILY regimen of leisure CFM maneuvers and you will live with less pain and the diminished propensity to endure tedious injury.  Soft-Tissues recognize and embrace RESCUE procedures once they finally get a taste of them.  This is how we can begin to manage a chronic pain-FREE body lifelong.

Virtual Visionaries

Website design agency focusing on small businesses.

BEDTIME should be a Pain-FREE endeavor!


Chronic Pain is the Result of CHOICE, not Consequence