Exercise is NOT a clinical Fascia RESCUE Massage!

You should be commended if you adhere to a regular maintenance regimen of exercise!  There is no doubt your body/mind will benefit from this great habit while you live and age.   You will also enjoy a certain amount of prevention means.

But, do not make the mistake in thinking that exercise is fulfilling ALL the required NEEDS of your body/mind to obtain superior wellness in daily living.  Yoga and Pilates are indeed superior exercise regimes.  But, nowhere in Yoga or Pilates are you receiving therapeutic clinical deep Fascia Rescue massage and bodywork profits.

Exercise means muscles are being contracted, hence working.  Nowhere is there surrender of any kind.  In an exercise regime nowhere are you receiving any massage manipulations or benefits of massage whatsoever.  You are not getting Compressed, Decompressed, MyoFascial Released, safely Tractioned, Cleared, cross-fiber Frictioned, etc.   Meaning, your body-wide Soft-Tissues are not being RESCUED or released like you think they are.   They are receiving rewards that exercise bestows, i.e. balance/strength integrity and heart health.  And, that is all.  Exercise is vital for daily wellness.  Nobody can dispute that.  But, it is not the be-all-end-all key to well-being.

Furthermore, this blog entry does not even begin to discuss the negative repercussions of our exercise regimes, i.e. repetition, over-usage, hyper-compression, lactic acid build-up, over-gripping, forward flexion, etc.  This is why the whole body NEEDS RESCUE PROCEDURES on a consistent daily basis.   

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