We Are All Professional Athletes!

From the moment we wake up in the morning to take that first step forward out of bed, our body-wide Soft-Tissues begin their professional workout session of executing and tasking for us all day long while we go to work, perform routine daily activities and a ceaseless array of necessary chores.  This means that anywhere from 10-16 hours a day, you are in contraction-work-mode, body-wide.   This happenstance places us in the same category of a professional athlete.

Professional athletes work very hard for a few hours here and there in practices and games.  But, then they have a lot of downtime.  They have daily access to saunas and spas and they receive all kinds of wellness therapies on a mostly daily basis.  They take naps and they go to parties.  They rarely sit at a desk, or stand behind a counter all day long.  And, oftentimes, they have assistants that schedule their appointments, carry their bags and handle other mundane errands.

The average adult being does not get a whole lot of naps and downtime from the rigors of daily life.  Nor does the average individual have access to assistants to take care of other necessary undertakings of living.  Our bones do not execute movement on their own.  Your body-wide Soft-Tissues never stop activating, ever, if you are on the go to run a household, a job and other extraneous obligations.   Don’t underestimate how hard your body-wide Soft-Tissues are working for you.  They are ceaselessly being tasked.  And, they NEED and DESERVE authentic RESCUE REWARDS every and any day of the year you can afford to oblige them.

Virtual Visionaries

Website design agency focusing on small businesses.


Clinical Massage Therapy Techniques Do NOT Hurt!


Exercise is NOT a clinical Fascia RESCUE Massage!