Clinical Massage Therapy Techniques Do NOT Hurt!

Clinical massage therapy techniques are proven to be very safe and tolerable, that is, IF they are administered correctly.  And, IF the individual’s body is not in extreme compromise referencing adhesion buildup to begin with.  In the event that one’s body-wide Soft-Tissues are compromised (or worse, over-compromised) one would have to expect to endure a little discomfort while getting RESCUED.  Mostly, we all live in extreme body-wide compromise for the simple reason that we have no convenient daily regime that would sufficiently treat or manage it to keep it at bay.

This would be the case for any part of the body whose NEED for RESCUE has been neglected and denied.  A body relies on daily maintenance and prevention gains.  If you do not brush and floss your teeth over any period of time the accumulation of plaque and tartar would be offensive and obvious.  And, playing catch-up to regain the original healthy statuses would be more costly, more painful and more time-consuming.  If we do not exercise, rest, eat or hydrate well on a daily basis we cannot expect to be at our physical and mental best until we are willing to expend more time, energy and discomfort to re-establish ease ability.

Over-compromised Soft-Tissue fibers will always fight the good fight before they will commence to allowing you to liberate them.  This is because initially the subconscious brain perceives a massage tool to be the enemy and thus instructs those imprisoned fibers to fight during initial manipulations to getting freed.  Rest-assured the results of the massage make it well worth any discomfort one must endure.

If you maintain authentic Rescue rewards for your body-wide Soft-Tissues, you can expect clinical massage techniques to feel more enjoyable and as a result you will live with less-to-no chronic aches, pains, restrictions, bouts of stiffness/tightness, chronic compromise conditions and over-usage injury.

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