Stretching is a mere FEELING of betterment!

A stretch is a form of exercise and a forced lengthening that happens while muscles are in full contraction as one must reach to perform it.  A stretch is a mere feeling of betterment.  This is the definition anyone can read in the Webster’s Dictionary.  A feeling is merely a notion.  A stretch can stimulate stagnated muscles.  But, it unequivocally can NOT free them.

Oftentimes, stretching hurts.  This is because an a tight body can NOT easily endure a forced lengthening while it is lock-jawed amidst cement-like adhesion.  More often than not, a stretch angers/weakens/injures body-wide Soft-Tissues as there is no stabilization and no support, whatsoever, to protect them from the ever-common micro-tear.  This injury is so slight it is not even detected until after you take those very same fibers beyond their means during action or another stretch.

There is also no trickery, or confusion element in a stretch.   It is a very straight-forward assault to unprepared muscles and tendons.   A stretch targets the belly of the muscle/muscle group and a very little portion of it’s tendons.  That is all.  It completely disregards the over-adhered tendinous-Fascial layers and attachments of surrounding tissues and Bones that play a significant role in tight muscles.  Fascia may only let go layer-by-layer, NOT chunk-by-chunk.

The NASA-affiliated IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) declares that “IF we apply enough energy through physical linkage we can REVERSE adhesion.”  There is no physical linkage in a stretch.  Thus, the logical approach would be to facilitate expansive natural elongations with additional remedial benefits of Compressions, MyoFascial Release, Traction, Frictioning, Clearing, Plunging, Deflating, Decompressing, etc. and all of this should be obtained during mindful Surrender.   This approach guarantees better end-results all the way around.  Surripulation® Massage methods deliver very sophisticated RESCUE rewards that REVERSE adhesion.   Thus, no more living with tight, achy, soar muscles and tendons.  And, NO need to ever have to stretch again.

In summary, stretching is NOT a RESCUE approach.   It is a dynamic exercise RELIEF APPROACH that helps promote better heart health, strength and balance integrity.  And, one must never forget its potential to INJURE!  Every pre- and post- workout stretching study to date has PROVEN this.

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