Keep Chronic Pain at Bay with consistent Maintenance/Prevention Rescue Treatment

Different personal injury/surgery experiences set us all apart when it comes to the topic of living with unique contributory factors that enhance chronic pain issues.  However, there are an inordinate amount of chronic pain conditions and symptoms that are universally similar.  These symptoms are provoked by the very same root offenders and they torment every adult human being the very same way, every day.

We are all comprised of a standard Skeletal Structure (bones) with a standard set of Soft-Tissues (everything that is not a bone) that are distinctly positioned in our bodies, head to toe.  Irrespective of size, ability, fitness regime, nationality, upbringing, etc. we are mostly built the same.

One example of a universally similar chronic pain symptom is the very common condition of Tendonitis.  Over-usage, repetition and elusive micro-tears (typically caused by over-stretching) are the key precipitating factors that inspire Tendonitis symptoms to emerge.   And, while we may be over-exerting our similar tendons with diverse activities, the end result is the same for all:  irritation, inflammation, aches, pains and restrictions in the surrounding Soft-Tissues of the aggravated tendons.

In the acute stages of any compromise affliction, affected Soft-Tissues will always benefit from applying the favored and universally-taught PRICE method of treatment, i.e. protect, rest, ice, compressions, elevation.  In that same context, and in reference to the inevitable chronic stages of any compromise affliction, we would all benefit greatly if we received authentic RESCUE rewards to effectively manage and treat surrounding affected Soft-Tissues.  This, in essence, would successfully nurture them back to their more desirable free state-of-being.  Neglect means they will simply decline quickly in their compromise distress.

Surripulation® Massage methods deliver the necessary daily RESCUE component that is required of compromised body-wide Soft-Tissues.  Happy RESCUED body-wide Soft-Tissues generate happy joints, muscles, vertebrae (bones), vessels and other Soft-Tissues abound.  Hence, an abundance of comfort, resilience and ROM perform-ability.

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Listen To and Oblige your body-wide Soft-Tissues!


Chronic Back Pain explained in a Nutshell