Listen To and Oblige your body-wide Soft-Tissues!
If you are experiencing unexplainable chronic pain and range-of-motion restriction issues, your body-wide Soft-Tissues are simply having a conversation with you. They are letting you know that they are uncomfortable and in deprivation-distress, aka. compromise. This is the body’s amazing ability to warn you of its weakened status and looming doom/harm/injury. And, all because of unavoidable, non-descriminate, perpetual circumstances of daily living that torture every adult human being, i.e. hyper-compression, tension, inflammation, Fascial restriction (hyper-congestion), Trigger Points, tight-gripping tendons, etc, that over time turn into monster heaps of adhesion.
We must recognize that every day we live we are in disconnect with our Soft-Tissues if we are not responding to their merciless and persistent pleas to obtain authentic RESCUE. Learn how you can become pro-active in effectively maintaining and preventing symptoms of compromise as a result of adhesion accumulation by RESCUING body-wide Soft-Tissues with effortless and efficient daily clinical massage techniques. This will inherently produce immediate and cumulative wellness rewards unrivaled by any other daily wellness regime and will provide anyone’s body with MAXIMUM-usage potential capacities. Count on it!