By the winding down of every long and busy day that we propel our body-wide Soft-Tissues to endlessly contract, or work for us, the moment of exhaustion will arrive when we will eventually plummet onto our beds for 5-8 hours of sleep. We will awaken from this deep catatonic stupor and unfailingly repeat it every successive 24-hour period of time that ensues. In sleeping, we successfully satiate the body-wide Soft-Tissues’ primal NEED for rest (aka. down-time) to restore itself. But, nowhere in that scenario do we ever really receive authentic RESCUE gains. This conundrum inhibits optimal recovery, healing and repair.
In sleep, front-side body-wide Soft-Tissues (S-Ts) often wind up in bad positions of short-and-tight flexion. And, our back-side S-Ts endure the adverse consequence of remaining in long-and-tight over-stretched despair. This unavoidable conundrum provokes undesirable S-T memory capacities that inspire tight-gripping tendons, adhesion and Fascial restriction responses, body-wide. The end-result of which becomes commonly felt symptoms such as chronic aches, pains, restrictions, tightness/stiffness and a slew of other unfavorable chronic compromise conditions that bear fancy names, i.e. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Tendonitis, Plantar Fasciitis, herniated discs and so on and the propensity to endure tedious over-usage injury is magnified.
Only when RESCUE gains have been procured can body-wide S-Ts authentically heal. Then, and only then, can we ever expect to live with Superior Wellness rewards in living/aging. SURRIPULATION® MASSAGE guarantees the procurement of authentic RESCUE rewards in the multi-tiered, miles-long layers of Soft-Tissues. If you are tired of living with chronic aches, pains or restrictions as your normal standard, get RESCUED now by making an appointment with Penny Chelios at 312/ 330-0708. And, enjoy authentic healing as the bonus ingredient that will afford you a new and upgraded maximum caliber of wellness all year long every year you live. Yassou SOMA! (Happy BODY!)