Rest is downtime idleness that naturally delivers recovery and healing by way of time. Rescue is release of a bonded body “mass” that naturally delivers regenerative repair by way of specific fascial massage that rapidly eliminates chronic pain.
If rest were release, nobody would ever wake up with stiff joints, achy bones, leg/foot cramps, pinched nerves, Plantar Fasciitis, Tendonitis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Frozen Shoulder, Sciatica, etc. or any other nag symptom(s)/chronic conditions.
Other restful relief tactics like warm baths, saunas, jacuzzis, wraps, cleanses, scrubs, spa massage, spot-treatments, vacation getaways, meditation, prayer, etc. ought never be misconstrued to be layer-by-layer “fascial” mass rescue release at all. Furthermore, great daily lifestyle habits regarding “exercise, water, and diet” also never appropriate deep mass rescue-release.
Surripulation® massage is the only daily replicable deep mass rescue-release approach in existence. All chronic (daily/recurring) nag symptoms blatantly prove this empirical claim that confirms no other current approach works.