Nutrients and Exercise alone do NOT deliver Superior Wellness!

How many hours one contracts and pulsates, or how many calories and carbohydrates one takes in does not determine superior wellness in living and aging.  Profoundly AS important is the replenishment of downtime via sleep, hydration via fluids and RESCUE procedures via Surripulation® Massage methods that help MANAGE unavoidable ADHESION BUILDUP within the entire musculoskeletal structure throughout an individual’s lifetime.   As we continue to over-consciously satiate nutrition and exercise needs of our bodies, we are completely ignoring  the fact that we are still living with dubious amounts of chronic aches, pains, restrictions, bouts of stiffness/tightness, over-usage injuries and a plethora of other chronic compromise conditions.  This means that we are NOT living with as much Superior Wellness as we would all like to believe.

The adult body/mind is perpetually being inundated with high levels of tension, hyper-compression, hyper-congestion, over-usage, Trigger Points, scar tissue, inflammation, stress, etc which are ALL closely associated with the ceaseless buildup of whole body ADHESION.  And, this silent killer is stifling and impeding our potential for lasting rewards of comfort, resilience, ROM perform-ABILITY, body contour, height enhancement, body/mind healing and injury prevention.

While good nutrition and exercise habits are mandatory benefits for superior wellness gains, they can NOT do for the body/mind what the additional advantage of a clinical deep whole body Fascia Rescue massage can.  An expansive, body-wide clinical Fascia Rescue massage will undeniably treat and resolve the aforementioned symptoms commonly referred to as chronic Soft-Tissue compromise.   And, Surripulation® Massage is one such method that will procure these highly sought after, guaranteed rewards.

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Past Injuries and Surgeries are positively Irrelevant!


Tight Muscle(s) do NOT cause Chronic Pain/Restriction