Tight Muscle(s) do NOT cause Chronic Pain/Restriction

A hypertonic (tight) muscle, or muscle group is rarely the singular ROOT Offender that precipitates and encourages issues of chronic aches, pain, restriction and bouts of stiffness/tightness in the human adult body.  Compromised muscle(s) are connected to all of the other body-wide Soft-Tissues.  Hence, there is a certain amount of perpetual negative influence derailing many of the other body-wide Soft-Tissues up and down the chain of attachments, as well.

The true guilty delinquents are the Fascia and the Tendons that interweave and connect at specific junctures in the body.   Fascia gets inundated and congested with ensnared metabolic waste particles that turn into adhesion and constraint.  Tendons over-grip bones with cemented-like bonding tendencies that inspire herniations and deviations, not only in our Skeletal Spine, but throughout the bones of the entire length of our vertical bodies, as well.

When we fail to consistently and authentically RESCUE tight-gripping tendinous attachments and Fascial adhesion throughout the entire body, we fail to attain a pain-free, resilient body/mind.   It is as simple as that.   Similarly, if we fail to consistently brush and floss our teeth/gums, we fail to live with fresh breath and prevention of decay.   And, if we fail to work out, we fail to attain fitness gains.

Hypertonic muscles are merely a consequence of neglect to authentically and consistently treat/manage compromise buildup of adhesion that has become too extreme for the body/mind to endure.  Everybody endures moderate compromise buildup at all times.  But, once body-wide Soft-Tissue distress has advanced to extreme levels, there is no limit to the torturous, merciless retribution they will spew on our helpless little vertebrae, joints, bones, vessels, muscles and other body/mind constituents.

The strategy of treating and relieving just one muscle/muscle group at a time is oftentimes naive and minimalistic.   And, this endeavor can hardly expect to dissuade and/or alleviate suffering symptoms of chronic pain and restriction.   Blaming a muscle is futile.  Blaming the entire musculoskeletal system of fascia would be a more sophisticated assessment.

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