Your LIFELINE depends upon the RESCUE of your CORE!

The Core of the human musculoskeletal structure includes everything central to the arms, legs, neck and head.  If any part of this Core area is congested with compromise assailants such as Trigger Points, adhesion, scar-tissue, tension, tight-gripping tendons, hyper-compression, etc. a body will have little potential to avoid chronic APRs, OUIs, BSTs and CCCs (aches, pains, restrictions, over-usage injuries, bouts of stiffness/tightness and chronic compromise conditions).

Chronic issues develop in the body NOT only because of trauma and other contributing offenders.  But, because we routinely ignore the fact that ALL the Bones and Soft-Tissues of the entire body NEED to be frictioned, plunged, deflated and decompressed, i.e. authentically rescued.  And that these maintenance endeavors need to be obtained on a fairly regular basis.  Dental hygiene practices are one such example of an authentic rescue procedure.

Little bits of relief, here and there, in scanty pieces of the body from minimalistic strategies that do not rescue the whole body all together at once, will get you by in a pinch.  But, no-one will ever completely resolve chronic compromise issues from perpetually resurfacing and/or tormenting their entire body/mind if they do not obtain whole body rescue.

Contrarily, if you efficiently RESCUE your body beginning at the base of the skeletal bones of your entire CORE, you will have a much easier time liberating your extraneous limbs, neck and head.  This approach also guarantees to be a much safer strategy to re-instill circulatory benefits while it diminishes the circumstance of backup that can inspire a blood clot from a more congested distal body part.

Virtual Visionaries

Website design agency focusing on small businesses.

FREE your Bones, Joints and Soft-Tissues right NOW!


Unreasonable ignorant Expectations thwart Well-Being Pursuits