Unreasonable ignorant Expectations thwart Well-Being Pursuits

Many body-wide Soft-Tissue compromise issues can be resolved in just one massage therapy session.  However, if the compromise buildup has become too extreme (especially if a client is not meeting other daily required needs) it is most certain the body fix could take up to 2 to 4 sessions.  It is never a good strategy to go in for the kill and work directly on the client’s chief complaint area(s).  This oftentimes inspires negative body responses and doesn’t at all address the ROOT Offenders which are CAUSING the chronic suffering issues.

Anyone whom has been experiencing chronic issues longterm should respect their body’s veritable NEED to improve on a gradual basis.  An educated client is one that gives their body a day or two to adjust, recover and heal from their expert deep fascia rescue massage.   Then return for even deeper resolve so as to produce more lasting results.  Sometimes, this is a necessary evil.

It is not unusual for a client to request deeper, more intense treatment bodyworks in an initial session.  This is because some people do not realize the innate desire body-wide Soft-Tissues have for slow and gradual reprieve.  This approach also ensures safe outcomes.  It is the professional therapist’s job to educate their client as to the risk of unsophisticated strategies and ineffective techniques.  One should never rush their Soft-Tissue compromise release.  If they do, they can expect to have a bad experience on the table.  They may also walk out of the treatment room feeling worse than they did when they walked in. And, soreness, bruising, further decline and possibly even slight injury to their Soft-Tissues may ensue.

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