Pain, Sore and Tight are NOT the Evidence of a Good Workout

Symptoms, reminders and conversations that your body-wide Soft-Tissues are having with you in the form of chronic aches, pains, restrictions, stiffness, tightness, etc. represent the complete neglect to remove the accumulation of compromise assailants that are congesting, ambushing and strangling the entire musculoskeletal structure on a perpetual basis.

These assailants are not only precipitated by our workout efforts.  But, also by subconscious tensing habits, stress, standing, sleeping, sitting, even breathing!  There are microscopic-sized particles of dust and other airborne particles flying all around our nose and mouth at every given moment we live and breathe.  Much of these metabolic waste particles escape from the body through natural functions like diaphoresis (sweating) and micturation (urination).   However, many of these perpetrators get ensnared and trapped in the miles-long, multi-tiered layers of body-wide Soft-Tissues, i.e. Fascia.  Thus, they wind up in the circumstance of NEEDING authentic RESCUE procedure facilitation.  Or, they remain trapped forever to torture the constituents within the whole body!

When these aggravating assailants fail to be treated they burrow and hibernate in deeper dwellings of body-wide Soft-Tissue layers at the surface or base of the bones and they CAUSE chronic aches, pains, restrictions, numbness and tingling symptoms, and much more.  The consequence that we often feel tight and stiff is due to the neglect of any whole body RESCUE procedures ever.  A consistent RESCUE regime would successfully thwart and alleviate the potential for extreme levels of accumulation so that we may keep compromise symptoms at bay.  This would be a real game-changer in that we could live with more optimal statuses of dynamic resilience which would include the sustenance of supple, flexible, pain-free Soft-Tissues on a regular basis.   And, stave off many issues of decline and injury as an ancillary reward.  This is the primary reason that  Surripulation® Massage methods were established.

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Unreasonable ignorant Expectations thwart Well-Being Pursuits


DAILY Maintenance begets PREVENTION Gains!