DAILY Maintenance begets PREVENTION Gains!

We have DAILY maintenance regimes for things like resting, exercising, hydrating and eating.  We also adhere to wonderful hygiene practices on a DAILY basis.  These are rituals that keep the body/mind in balance and supply us with superior performance abilities.  We brush and floss, i.e. RESCUE, the Bones and Soft-Tissues in our mouths every morning and every night because we want immediate and cumulative maintenance and prevention rewards of fresh breath and prolonged decay/disease.   But, there is no regard at all for a DAILY regime that would do the same for the Bones, Soft-Tissues and Joints that make up the whole body.

Our body-wide Soft-Tissues work very hard for us all day/night long, every day of the year.  Adhesion, tension, trigger points, scar-tissue, lactic acid buildup, etc. ceaselessly accumulate to torture a body with chronic pain and restriction issues.  Comes a time in life, particularly by the tender young ages of 20, 25 and 30, that our body-wide Soft-Tissues begin to acquire an insatiable NEED for DAILY deep-tissue massage rewards pertaining to RESCUE which does not pertain to acts of stretching, taking a little nap, or sitting in a sauna.  RESCUE methods proficiently counter accumulation, weakness and decline.  

By trying to uphold the rigorous and abusive mantras of “work through the pain”, “no pain, no gain” and “just keep moving” we are ignorantly bypassing the rudimentary procedure that would facilitate speedier recovery, healing and repair processes that would allot a body to sustain maximum-usage potentials.  If we incorporate RESCUE methods into the mix of our DAILY wellness pursuits and regimes we could successfully resolve common symptoms that besiege everyone on a regular basis.  We could also dramatically reduce the propensity for occurrence and recurrence of tedious over-usage injury.

Virtual Visionaries

Website design agency focusing on small businesses.


Pain, Sore and Tight are NOT the Evidence of a Good Workout


Your body-wide Soft-Tissues are on the Endangered Species List!