Your body-wide Soft-Tissues are on the Endangered Species List!

Ignorance, denial, fat egos, false misconceptions, minimalistic remedies, ineffective strategies, automatic subconscious compensating issues, etc. all contribute to the poor well-being and preservation of body-wide Soft-Tissues on a daily basis.  In our nation’s current education system there is very little regard dedicated to the subject matter of treating natural, unavoidable compromise assailants that torment the whole body fascial system on a ceaseless basis.

The mass distribution marketing and advertising ploys for wellness are heavily geared to inform consumers about all the latest nutrition and exercise fads and facts.  Not at all recognizing, or mentioning the veritable NEED our body-wide Soft-Tissues have for expansive surrender and rescue regimes for worthy maintenance and prevention gains.  As a result, neglect to manage the likes of every day tension, Trigger Points, adhesion, Fascial restrictions, scar-tissue and more leads to the misfortune of deprivation-distress which leads to chronic pain.

When we allow body-wide assailants to endlessly linger, accumulate and torment our body and mind we diminish wellness potentials, weaken performance ability and perpetuate chronic aches, pains, restrictions, bouts of stiffness/tightness, over-usage injury assaults and an array of undesirable chronic compromise conditions that bear fancy names, i.e. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Sciatica, Pinched Nerves, Herniated Discs, Low Back Pain, Plantar Fasciitis, Tendonitis and so on.

Body-wide Soft-Tissues work very hard for us day and night.  We task them from the moment we open our eyes in the morning until we close them at night.  And, during sleep they receive the benefits of downtime.  But, they do not receive any other benefits that might actually help them restore, repair or heal the unavoidable assailants of daily living.   Thus, Soft-Tissues become endangered.  Body-wide Soft-Tissues can accomplish very little if they do not remain strong and healthy amidst consistently freed-up statuses.  Even a few minutes of fascia rescue each day would provide instant noticeable rewards that cannot be denied. Surripulation® Massage methods are specifically designed to fulfill this rudimentary Soft-Tissue NEED.

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DAILY Maintenance begets PREVENTION Gains!


WE are the Perpetrators of our very own Chronic Pain