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Virtual Visionaries Virtual Visionaries

Counter-Control Your Constant Cause

In constant forward-flexion perpetuity for all living humans, two underlying root offenders are always at hand. The fascial mass fibers 1) short-tight frontside and long-tight backside “bind and bond” ; and 2) pathogenic molecular Bonded Bad Buildup (“BBB”) biofilm scourge accumulates in and on all structural boney crevices. This ongoing…

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Virtual Visionaries Virtual Visionaries

As Is “Do” is As Is “Be”

People who can only creature of habit “see” will never self-achieve greatest inner mass well-being. If you feel great “as is” today, you may be aiming low. But good luck. God bless. You may like chronic woe. Chelios MethodSM’s groundbreaking natural regimes intend “mass more” beyond the “expected”…

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Virtual Visionaries Virtual Visionaries

How “feels good” Causes “mass bad”!

Two-bit “feels good to you” taunt tactics often injure your deep whole body connective tissue (fascial fibrous) mass. Brief relief tactics give you no lasting ease because they in no way at all provide deep mass release. And they often add to repetitive micro-tear trauma. Consider the following living mass…

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Virtual Visionaries Virtual Visionaries

Meet your True Daily Needs

Needs are your daily self-duty use, rest, fluids, fuel, and release deeds. Only release can end-result ease. And nobody anywhere obliges it to your whole body mass. Needs are not about genes, wants, and beliefs. Needs are what every car, Toddler, and Kingdom Animal daily seek. Daily deep mass release…

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Virtual Visionaries Virtual Visionaries

Dis-ease Rel-ease = Mass Ease

Deep mass disease release for “ease” is nowhere yet regime. More trendy brief relief is the go-to “tease” thief thing. Nobody ever aims relief of their gums and teeth. They only aim release to end and prevent disease. Daily lifelong diligence mostly achieves 24/7 100+ years “non-disease” ease. Why does…

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Virtual Visionaries Virtual Visionaries

Free Your Mass. Not Your Piece!

People relieve a “piece” when they do not know how to free their whole mass. This lets symptom(s) steal all your pain-free bask. You are a perfectly-designed physical body “mass”. Your whole body and mouth know exactly how to “let go”. That is, if you facilitate your application the “accurate…

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Virtual Visionaries Virtual Visionaries

Root-Release Your Achy Dis-ease

Chronic disease symptoms confirm no prevention and forewarn most disease. Chronic disease you “feel” in a piece root-binds your “mass” fascial sheath. All chronic disease confirms daily essential root-regular “deep mass release”. All trendy “brief relief regimes” ignore your birthright abundant pain-free qí. We self-chase death when we fortify neglect…

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Virtual Visionaries Virtual Visionaries

Achy pain. You lame. New aim!

All daily achy pain disease predicates disease. All disease management is daft. Chronic disease for “weeks, months, years” proves mainstream tactics lame. Daily achy pain “healthy” oxymoron notions are fallible nescient people belief. Solicit new deep rapid-results release to be limitless chronic mass pain-free. Take the lame out of your…

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Virtual Visionaries Virtual Visionaries

Mass Release Works A-B-C 1-2-3!

Deep mass release is the direct self-application to friction-scrape-free “hard-bonded” things. Your whole mouth and body “mass” ongoing calcify-adhere-ossify-fuse, etc. nonstop. Constant pathogenic and molecular biofilm accumulating bonded bad buildup (“BBB”), aka. plaque-like cobweb crimp, needs to daily go to “stay low”. DailyBrush-Floss-Spit is one perfect proven accurate and qualified…

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Virtual Visionaries Virtual Visionaries

Trend Up Your Daily Release Regimes!

Simply put, daily release for all gums and teeth prevents chronic disease. It lets your whole mass mouth feel great 24/7 with no ongoing pain meds, shots, PT, medical intervention, etc. at all. You likely never see this as the direct deep mass release massage that it is. World people…

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Virtual Visionaries Virtual Visionaries

Influencers Are Never The Cause

Simply put, daily release for all gums and teeth prevents chronic disease. It lets your whole mass mouth feel great 24/7 with no ongoing pain meds, shots, PT, medical intervention, etc. at all. You likely never see this as the direct deep mass release massage that it is. World people…

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Virtual Visionaries Virtual Visionaries

Chronic Deems You The Root Cause

Chronic (on/off post 4 days) symptom(s) disease happens if you don’t meet a need, particularly deep mass release. Minor acute pain lasts 2-4 days. Major acute pain lasts 3-12 months. And rare random flareups and injuries are just life. But acute only becomes chronic if you fail your own mass need….

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Virtual Visionaries Virtual Visionaries

How Brief Relief Encourages Disease

No gums or teeth ever seek brief relief. Only daily deep mass release, despite what you eat. You are so much more about “what you do not free”. Nescience is your pain-free thief. Daily release is remedy and prevention key. Steady-growing disease roots-in disease. Healthy people in pain do not…

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Virtual Visionaries Virtual Visionaries

How Is Chelios Method Truly Unique? Whole Mass Aim. Ongoing Gains.

Chelios MethodSM embodies new mass perspective and applications to end chronic pain. Surripulation® massage is our “mass aim” to reduce physical root cause (not symptoms). MassfascialSM release is our “mass task” to end and prevent (not relieve) root cause regret. Fascia Rescue® gains are our “mass rapid results” inner space…

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Virtual Visionaries Virtual Visionaries

Fascial Elasticity: Inner “mass” qí!

Fascia is naturally designed to sustain its own pain-FREE supple elasticity qí. But its owner “you” must mass release (rescue) it regularly. And nobody–nothing is telling you so. All exercise, positioning, posturing, stretching, strengthening, random spot-treatments, etc. bypass fascial elasticity and add to mass accumulating crimp. Your whole body mass at rest resembles…

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Virtual Visionaries Virtual Visionaries

Elasticity vs. Stretching Strain Injury

Adhesion is bonded “fibers, toxins, and fluids“, aka. whole body (mass) fascial crimp. This is life default cause of tight tension, inflammation, Trigger Points, chronic pain, restriction “symptoms” and more. A stretchy fiber requires soft elasticity to get long so it won’t fray, tear, or break. Stiff-tight-bonded fascial fibrous…

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Virtual Visionaries Virtual Visionaries

Stressors vs. Stress: Reducible vs. Not

Mental stress drives self-achievement outcomes. It is entirely unavoidable, non-reducible, lifelong but it gets all the chronic disease blame. Reducible stressors are physical deep mass adhesion (bondage) in the whole body and mouth “mass“, aka. plaque, tartar, scar tissue, aka. fast-track nonstop cause of rot, stink, disease and decay living circumstance scourge. And nobody social…

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Virtual Visionaries Virtual Visionaries

Get Free Daily. Avoid Stretch Strain.

Stretching to get long lengthens muscles for relief but never frees, transforms, or prevents achy pain disease. Self-sabotage nescient error serves no “fibrous mass” well. Chronic pain-free begs accurate qualified truth. Fascial Elasticity (whole body mass) works like intertwined rubber bands that fray, tear, and break post-repeat stretch. This exact end-result stretching…

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