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Virtual Visionaries Virtual Visionaries

What is Dynamic Whole Body Resilience?

Dynamic whole body resilience is pain-free mobility while performing all routine daily activities and necessary chores. Daily use, rest, fuel, fluids and rescue (release) replenishments sustain this body state. The first four ingredients are globally revered. Rescue (release) is a much more undervalued and rare commodity. Rescue by way of…

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Virtual Visionaries Virtual Visionaries


Incurable MD/PhD problem? Or, the easy-to-resolve natural-unavoidable mass Bonded Bad Buildup (“BBB“) compromise accumulation impingement that regular MassfascialSM release Smash & Drag® self-care can appease on your home floor? No body receptor symptom ever “feels great” underneath mass-trapped BBB, i.e. trapped fascial fibers, toxins, fluids, etc. and more. Neuropathy is disease…

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Virtual Visionaries Virtual Visionaries

RESCUE methods primarily AIM to abolish Chronic Pain

Relief is exactly what it connotes – temporary ease and a false sense of improvement. This minimalistic profit will get you by. But, not for long. Authentic RESCUE creates change deep to liberate bones, joints, vessels, fascial layers, muscles, tendons, etc. from confined stations of deprivation-distress! And, ensures more noticeable, lasting rewards. Examples of common relief approaches are:…

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Virtual Visionaries Virtual Visionaries

RESCUE methods primarily AIM to abolish Chronic Pain

Many of today’s popular wellness therapies are geared to target individual compromise elements and isolated chief complaint body areas, one at a time. For instance, Trigger Point therapy treats isolated trigger points. Acupuncture needles address and stimulate flow. Stretching re-activates stagnated muscles. And, standard massage treatments focus on muscle chunks…

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Virtual Visionaries Virtual Visionaries


Rest is downtime idleness that naturally delivers recovery and healing by way of time. Rescue is release of a bonded body “mass” that naturally delivers regenerative repair by way of specific fascial massage that rapidly eliminates chronic pain. If rest were release, nobody would ever wake up with stiff joints, achy bones,…

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Virtual Visionaries Virtual Visionaries


By the winding down of every long and busy day that we propel our body-wide Soft-Tissues to endlessly contract, or work for us, the moment of exhaustion will arrive when we will eventually plummet onto our beds for 5-8 hours of sleep. We will awaken from this deep catatonic stupor and unfailingly repeat…

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Virtual Visionaries Virtual Visionaries

Listen To and Oblige your body-wide Soft-Tissues!

If you are experiencing unexplainable chronic pain and range-of-motion restriction issues, your body-wide Soft-Tissues are simply having a conversation with you. They are letting you know that they are uncomfortable and in deprivation-distress, aka. compromise. This is the body’s amazing ability to warn you of its weakened status and looming doom/harm/injury….

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Virtual Visionaries Virtual Visionaries

Keep Chronic Pain at Bay with consistent Maintenance/Prevention Rescue Treatment

Different personal injury/surgery experiences set us all apart when it comes to the topic of living with unique contributory factors that enhance chronic pain issues. However, there are an inordinate amount of chronic pain conditions and symptoms that are universally similar. These symptoms are provoked by the very same root offenders and they torment…

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Virtual Visionaries Virtual Visionaries

Chronic Back Pain explained in a Nutshell

Every adult living being suffers from the grueling natural process of Degenerative Disc Disease which commences at the tender young age of 21. Additionally, there is the perpetual predicament of gravity yanking on our spine whenever we sit or stand. Add to that the horrors of scar tissue, adhesion, Fascial…

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Virtual Visionaries Virtual Visionaries

Soft-Tissue Compromise ROOT Offenders are very Deceiving

Very rarely are a client’s chief complaint areas of aches, pains and restrictions the ROOT offenders of their plight. ROOT offenders are typically elusively lingering in the deeper depths of the body above, below, next to and sometimes even across from the chief complaint area of symptoms. And, they often dwell at…

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Virtual Visionaries Virtual Visionaries

Body-wide Soft-Tissues live at the Mercy of our Ignorance

Body-wide Soft-Tissues struggle with an inordinate amount of compromise elements that accumulate, fester and torture our bodies and minds on a relentless daily basis. This predicament exists as an absolute result of ignorance. We are simply not educated as to some of the most rudimentary and relative facts regarding the…

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Virtual Visionaries Virtual Visionaries

Chronic Pain should NEVER lead to Surgery!

Chronic pain is simply that. Chronic pain. It is NOT acute injury. Nor is it irreparable. Especially if all medical exams are negative, causative maladies have been ruled out and your doctors’ remedies are continually failing you. Furthermore, chronic pain absolutely does NOT warrant the drastic measures of being…

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Virtual Visionaries Virtual Visionaries

Muscles Should be Toned, NOT Tight!

Many people today are suffering from physical compromise associated with chronic aches, pains, restrictions, stiffness/tightness, etc. Seems we are managing these frustrating issues very well so that they may gradually worsen with time. But, wouldn’t the better option be to manage our body-wide Soft-Tissues in freer statuses and so that compromise affairs would not erupt in…

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Virtual Visionaries Virtual Visionaries

BEDTIME should be a Pain-FREE endeavor!

If the act of getting in and/or out of a bed makes you grimace in pain regularly you are living in a body that is inundated and congested with compromise elements associated with whole body adhesion. This arises from injury but also from a natural unavoidable default of living referencing the perpetual buildup of tension,…

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Virtual Visionaries Virtual Visionaries

MANAGE your BODY in Chronic Pain-FREE!

Many people today are suffering from physical compromise associated with chronic aches, pains, restrictions, stiffness/tightness, etc. Seems we are managing these frustrating issues very well so that they may gradually worsen with time. But, wouldn’t the better option be to manage our body-wide Soft-Tissues in freer statuses and so that compromise affairs would not erupt in…

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Virtual Visionaries Virtual Visionaries

Chronic Pain is the Result of CHOICE, not Consequence

People have become so accustomed to living with their chronic pain issues that they accept and embrace them as if they never want them to wear out their welcome. While many of us still do not have any idea this is an active choice, (and trust me, it is) we are absolutely…

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Virtual Visionaries Virtual Visionaries

FREE your Bones, Joints and Soft-Tissues right NOW!

What are we all waiting for? How much pain must we endure? How much money must we invest in our pursuit to seek comfort and wellness? How many days/weeks/months/years are we all going to allow the travesty of our very own body-wide Bones, Joints and Soft-Tissues to continue to live…

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Virtual Visionaries Virtual Visionaries

Your LIFELINE depends upon the RESCUE of your CORE!

The Core of the human musculoskeletal structure includes everything central to the arms, legs, neck and head. If any part of this Core area is congested with compromise assailants such as Trigger Points, adhesion, scar-tissue, tension, tight-gripping tendons, hyper-compression, etc. a body will have little potential to avoid chronic APRs, OUIs, BSTs and CCCs (aches, pains, restrictions, over-usage injuries,…

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Virtual Visionaries Virtual Visionaries

Unreasonable ignorant Expectations thwart Well-Being Pursuits

Many body-wide Soft-Tissue compromise issues can be resolved in just one massage therapy session. However, if the compromise buildup has become too extreme (especially if a client is not meeting other daily required needs) it is most certain the body fix could take up to 2 to 4 sessions. It is never a good…

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Virtual Visionaries Virtual Visionaries

Pain, Sore and Tight are NOT the Evidence of a Good Workout

Symptoms, reminders and conversations that your body-wide Soft-Tissues are having with you in the form of chronic aches, pains, restrictions, stiffness, tightness, etc. represent the complete neglect to remove the accumulation of compromise assailants that are congesting, ambushing and strangling the entire musculoskeletal structure on a perpetual basis. These assailants are not only precipitated by our…

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