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Your body-wide Soft-Tissues are on the Endangered Species List!
Ignorance, denial, fat egos, false misconceptions, minimalistic remedies, ineffective strategies, automatic subconscious compensating issues, etc. all contribute to the poor well-being and preservation of body-wide Soft-Tissues on a daily basis. In our nation’s current education system there is very little regard dedicated to the subject matter of treating natural, unavoidable compromise assailants that torment the…
WE are the Perpetrators of our very own Chronic Pain
Guilty are we who place it there. Neglectful are we whom fail to remove it! The only reason your body accumulates excessive amounts of compromise in reference to the buildup of tension, hyper-compression, hyper-congestion, toxins, stiffness, hypertonic (tight) tendinous attachments, Trigger Points, adhesion, scar tissue, lactic/uric acids, etc. is because WE ourselves fail to treat them…
Herniated discs and Pinched nerves are perpetuated by mere tension buildup and hyper-compression assaults of the structural spine, joints and vessels in your body. They are not injury or disease. They are issues that arise over time because we rarely remove the endless, unavoidable excessive buildup of adhesion in our musculoskeletal…
Neglected Chronic Compromise Buildup CAUSES Over-Usage Injury!
Does it ever occur to you that you often get injured, re-injured, or acquire chronic pain and you have no idea what you may have done to deserve or precipitate it? It is one thing when you are suffering aches and pains because you’ve fallen, or you’ve endured a recent…
Chronic Pain is a Pandemic Predicament
No adult human being is immune to it. If you are living, breathing, standing, sitting, exercising, eating, stressing, sleeping, walking, running, etc. you are in chronic compromise distress. Or, that is, your body-wide Soft-Tissues are. These are just some of the many ways your body can acquire compromise elements that…
Chronic Pain is Manageable and Preventable!
Chronic pain and restriction issues are manageable and preventable. That is, IF we treat the entire body/mind as one entity, not separate individual pieces. And, IF we directly diminish the ROOT offenders of the compromise that live and dwell throughout the multitiered, miles-long layers of Fascia right down to the base of the body-wide Bones. And,…
Stretching is a mere FEELING of betterment!
A stretch is a form of exercise and a forced lengthening that happens while muscles are in full contraction as one must reach to perform it. A stretch is a mere feeling of betterment. This is the definition anyone can read in the Webster’s Dictionary. A feeling is merely a notion. A stretch can stimulate stagnated muscles. But, it unequivocally can NOT free them. Oftentimes, stretching hurts. This is because an a tight body can NOT easily endure a forced…
Clinical Massage Therapy Techniques Do NOT Hurt!
Clinical massage therapy techniques are proven to be very safe and tolerable, that is, IF they are administered correctly. And, IF the individual’s body is not in extreme compromise referencing adhesion buildup to begin with. In the event that one’s body-wide Soft-Tissues are compromised (or worse, over-compromised) one would have to expect to endure a little discomfort while getting RESCUED….
We Are All Professional Athletes!
From the moment we wake up in the morning to take that first step forward out of bed, our body-wide Soft-Tissues begin their professional workout session of executing and tasking for us all day long while we go to work, perform routine daily activities and a ceaseless array of necessary chores….
Exercise is NOT a clinical Fascia RESCUE Massage!
You should be commended if you adhere to a regular maintenance regimen of exercise! There is no doubt your body/mind will benefit from this great habit while you live and age. You will also enjoy a certain amount of prevention means. But, do not make the mistake in thinking that exercise is fulfilling ALL…
All is Not Lost!
Don’t underestimate your body’s natural potential to become chronic pain-FREE! Chronic compromise that is never (or rarely) treated produces intense and perpetual body/mind debilitations. And, body-wide Soft-Tissues dynamically and instinctively influence and affect each other due to their endless intertwining connections from head to toe. If your chronic aches, pains…
Past Injuries and Surgeries are positively Irrelevant!
Yes. We do accumulate an inordinate amount of scar-tissue and adhesion that compounds over the years with all the little injuries and occasional surgeries we endure throughout a lifetime of living. But, this is only a fraction of the perpetual compromise predicament that is slowly tormenting the adult human being’s body…
Nutrients and Exercise alone do NOT deliver Superior Wellness!
How many hours one contracts and pulsates, or how many calories and carbohydrates one takes in does not determine superior wellness in living and aging. Profoundly AS important is the replenishment of downtime via sleep, hydration via fluids and RESCUE procedures via Surripulation® Massage methods that help MANAGE unavoidable ADHESION BUILDUP within the entire musculoskeletal structure throughout an individual’s lifetime. As we continue to over-consciously satiate nutrition…
Tight Muscle(s) do NOT cause Chronic Pain/Restriction
A hypertonic (tight) muscle, or muscle group is rarely the singular ROOT Offender that precipitates and encourages issues of chronic aches, pain, restriction and bouts of stiffness/tightness in the human adult body. Compromised muscle(s) are connected to all of the other body-wide Soft-Tissues. Hence, there is a certain amount of perpetual negative…
Why Most Clinicians, Therapists, and Wellness Gurus Fail To Achieve TRUE Reprieve Results?
Alternative therapists, clinicians, wellness gurus, nutritionists, fitness specialists and various other health/wellness service providers offer worthy wellness benefits and therapies. But, the truth of the matter is, they are not really procuring TRUE reprieve at deep ROOT dwelling sites, body-wide, and they can offer you little to no assistance of thwarting, maintaining or…
Don’t Blame Your Age For Your Daily Physical Grievances
If you are in compromise and you struggle with chronic aches, pains and restrictions (APRs) on a seemingly endless basis, it is NOT your age that is giving rise to your physical/mental despair. It is the existence of perpetual compromise of body-wide (b-w) Soft-Tissues (everything that is not bone) that is producing all the aggravation. Body-wide…
How Chelios Floor Method™ Can Result In Height Enhancement
You absolutely can enjoy height enhancement without the hassles of making an appointment or hanging upside down! Safely, effectively, efficiently and effortlessly as you fight natural processes of degenerative disc disease (DDD), gravity and the perpetual predicament of hyper-compression as you live and age. You need not hang upside down or own expensive…
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